Please note that Resource Booking is only available in Amelia Pro and Developer license plans.

Say you have a Barbershop and you have 3 available chairs, but there are 6 barbers (employees) your customers can book. In the past, you couldn’t configure Amelia properly for this case, but from version 6.0, Amelia includes Resource Bookings that allow you to do just this!

You are now able to create a resource that will be shared for all services you provide. In the example above, those services could be ShavingBeard TrimShort HairHead Shave, and so on. When you share a resource between services, it means you provide a resource that depends on the number of appointments, and it doesn’t rely on the service that’s booked.

For example, you’d add a resource named “Chair” and set its quantity to “3“. When you select the share option, all available services will share these 3 chairs, so even though you have 6 barbers that are providing the same services, only 3 people will be able to book at the same time, so if JimJohn, and Mark book December 30th, at 10:00, the remaining 3 barbers won’t be able to accept more customers in this time, and you will no longer face overbooking.