When you purchase the plugin, you're subscribed to it for one year. During this period, you're entitled to all upcoming updates and support. The subscription is automatically set to renew one year from the date of purchase.

Canceling the subscription

You can cancel your subscription through our store as soon as you purchase the plugin, and you'll still receive all upcoming updates, and be entitled to support until 1 year from the date of purchase expires. Once it expires, you'll no longer be able to update the plugin nor will you be able to receive premium support for the plugin.

Please note: Once the subscription is canceled, you will no longer be able to re-subscribe to it. If you change your mind and would like to re-subscribe to the plugin, you can purchase it again from our website. You won't need to reinstall it, but just deactivate the old purchase code and enter the new code in Amelia/Settings/Activation.