Amelia has placeholders for email notifications which are supposed to be replaced with real data from your employees, customers, extras, custom fields, and other booking data. For example, %customer_full_name% will be replaced with the customer's First Name, and the Last Name, that they entered when they booked the appointment, so if John Doe booked an appointment, you can configure an email notification that says "Dear %customer_full_name%" and they'll receive an email that says "Dear John Doe".

Note: All linked placeholders like %customer_panel_url%, %employee_panel_url%, %appointment_cancel_url%, %event_cancel_url%, and Zoom placeholders are programmatically generated URLs, and if you want to create a hyperlink to these URLs, they need to be added as placeholders, not direct URLs.

For example, when you configure the Customer Panel and add its URL to Amelia Settings/Roles/Customer, and you want to add a line in the email like "To access your Customer Panel, please click here", the template needs to look like this:

This is because the Customer Panel URL that's sent to the customer appends a login token to the URL, so a customer either logs in with this token (if you disabled the password as being mandatory in Amelia Settings/Roles/Customer) or sends the customer to the password creation form.

These placeholders can be used in titles and descriptions of Amelia Settings/Integrations (Google CalendarOutlook CalendarZoomLesson SpaceFacebook Pixel, and Google Analytics), along with Payment MetaData and description, in Amelia Settings/Payments.

Please note: Zoom placeholders are already being forwarded as Hyperlinks, so don’t add them behind any text. If you do, the URLs will not be forwarded, and your customers and employees won’t be able to access the meeting from the email.

List of Notification placeholders (self-explanatory placeholders like %customer_first_name%, %appointment_date%, etc. will be skipped):

1. Customer - Appointments:

%appointment_cancel_url% - An automatically generated cancelation URL. Please check out the Note above.

%appointment_deposit_payment% - Appointment deposit amount

%appointment_duration% - The duration of the appointment - this combines all durations within the appointment, so service duration along with potential Extras Durations and/or buffer times

%appointment_notes% - Notes added to the appointment by an employee, Amelia Manager, or the Administrator

%appointment_price% - The price of the appointment - this combines the price of the service, along with the price of additional people or extras.

%appointment_status% - The status of the appointment (Approved, Pending, Canceled, or Rejected)

%category_name% - The name of the category in which the booked service is

%coupon_1% - The ID of the coupon. Each coupon has its own ID, so it could go from %coupon_1% to %coupon_n%. Hover over each placeholder to see the coupon and its deduction.

%custom_field_1% - The ID of the custom field. Each custom field has its own ID, so it could go from %custom_field_1% to %custom_field_n%. Hover over each placeholder to see the name of the custom field.

%customer_note% - The note added to the Customer's profile in Amelia/Customers

%customer_panel_url% - The programmatically generated Customer Panel URL. Please check out the Note above.

%employee_note% - The note added to the Employee's profile in Amelia/Employees

%google_meet_url% - The programmatically generated Google Meet URL. Please check out the Note above.

%lesson_space_url% - The programmatically generated Lesson Space URL. Please check out the Note above.

%recurring_appointments_details% - This placeholder needs to be predefined. You can access it below Appointment Approved or Appointment Pending appointment templates:

In there, you'd enter all details that would be defining the recurring appointments your customers booked.

%service_extra_1_name% - The name of the extra a customer may have added to the appointment

%service_extra_1_price% - The price of the extra a customer may have added to the appointment

%service_extra_1_quantity% - The quantity of the extra a customer may have added to the appointment

%service_extras% - The list of all selected extras for the appointment (just the names of these extras, without the price, or the quantity)

%zoom_join_url% - The programmatically generated Zoom URL for the customer. Please check out the Note above.

2. Customer - Events:

%attendee_code% - The code associated with the customer (attendee)

%event_cancel_url% - An automatically generated cancelation URL. Please check out the Note above.

%event_period_date% - If the event spans multiple dates, this placeholder displays that date period.

%event_period_date_time% - If the event spans multiple dates, this placeholder displays that date and the times within this period.

%lesson_space_url_date% - The programmatically generated Lesson Space URL that shows just the date. Please check out the Note above.

%lesson_space_url_date_time% - The programmatically generated Lesson Space URL that shows both the date and the time. Please check out the Note above.

%zoom_join_url_date% - The programmatically generated Zoom URL for the customer that shows just the date. Please check out the Note above.

%zoom_join_url_date_time% - The programmatically generated Zoom URL for the customer that shows both the date and the time. Please check out the Note above.

3. Employees - Appointments:

%booked_customer% - This placeholder replaces these three placeholders: %customer_full_name%, %customer_email% and %customer_phone%. It is mainly used for group appointments (Appointments that can be booked by multiple customers). If you add the 3 placeholders mentioned above, with every new booking, the employee will receive the full name, email, and phone of all previously booked customers, along with the last one that just booked the appointment. If you want your employees to see just the last customer that booked the appointment, use the %booked_customer% placeholder.

%coupon_used% - The coupon that the customer used to book the appointment

%employee_panel_url% - The programmatically generated Employee Panel URL. Please check out the Note above.

%group_appointment_details% - This placeholder needs to be configured. You can access it below the “Appointment Approved” or “Appointment Pending” appointment templates:

%zoom_host_url% - The programmatically generated Zoom URL for the employee. Please check out the Note above

4. Employees - Events:

%zoom_host_url_date% - The programmatically generated Zoom URL for the employee that shows just the date. Please check out the Note above.

%zoom_host_url_date_time% - The programmatically generated Zoom URL for the employee that shows both the date and the time. Please check out the Note above.